It happened on APRIL 24


The Dogmatic Constitution Dei Filius was signed by the First Vatican Council. The document explicitly addressed the relationship between faith and reason. An excerpt states: “The Church is so far from objecting to the culture of the human arts and sciences, that it aids and promotes this cultivation in many ways. For, it is not ignorant of, nor does it despise the advantages flowing therefrom into human life; nay, it confesses that, just as they have come forth from ‘God, the Lord of knowledge’ (1 Kings 2:3), so, if rightly handled, they lead to God by the aid of His grace.”


The Hubble Space Telescope was launched aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery. Thanks to the observations taken from this first ever orbiting optical telescope, the astronomical community gathered important data in the fields of cosmology and stellar evolution. The extraordinary images taken by the Hubble Telescope that have been viewed around the world have contributed to a renewed sense of marvel and awe at the grandeur of the cosmos of which man and the Earth are a part.


Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science

The Encyclopedia, published by the Centro di Documentazione Interdisciplinare di Scienza e Fede operating at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, provides new, scholarly articles in the rapidly growing international field of Religion and Science (ISSN: 2037-2329). INTERS is a free online encyclopedia.

Anthology and Documents

To emphasize and spread relevant documents within the scientific community, this section provides key materials concerning the dialogue among science, philosophy and theology.


Special Issues

We offer here a selection of comments and documents on special issues in Religion and Science, collected for anniversaries and/or for the relevance of the topics.